
Showing posts from August, 2020

Sorry, not sorry for being me...

  Are we really happy with how our life is right now? Are we really doing what we wanted to do? Are we really satisfied with life and want nothing more from it? If yes, congratulations, you are being yourself. But if no, what is the reason that we are not happy and satisfied with our life? Should we change ourselves? Should we not change? What exactly has to be done? Changing to a better version of ourselves is always a good idea. But is that the only reason we change? No, most of the time we change for others, we change to get accepted, we change to look cool, we change to make others happy. And in the process of making this happen, we lose ourselves and life becomes meaningless. In that way, changing is a toxic thing, isn’t it? So, in order to be happy and feel good about our life, there are places where we shouldn’t change. We all think, or at least like to think, that we are being ourselves and doing what we really like to do. But is that the truth? Most of the time, we change ou

By Changing Nothing, Nothing Changes...

Have you ever promised someone that you would never change in your life, that you would stay the same no matter what happens? Have you ever wished someone to stay the same and not to change for anyone else? Have you ever wonder why people change all of sudden and act like they are no more the person you once know? If yes, this is for you… We all think that changing is something forbidden, changing is something that we are not supposed to do. When we meet someone after years or months, and when they say ‘OMG, you have not even changed a bit, you are still the same person’, we consider it as a compliment. But it isn’t. And when they say, ‘OMG, you are so much changed, I don’t even recognize who you are’, the next second we defend ourselves like ‘oh no, I haven’t changed, maybe we haven’t seen for so long, so you would have forgotten’. But is that how we should be? Should we always deny who we are? We all wish to remain the same; we all wish our life to remain the same as it was when